Report your lost item here FREE of charge. You will only pay for shipping & handling after your item is found.
Click on the Report Lost Item button and fill in a few fields with correct information.
We will conduct an automatic search in our database for your item when you Report the Lost Item on our website, which typically takes less than a minute.
We will send you an email notification as soon as we have found your lost item.
We will provide you with instructions explaining how to pay for shipping so that we can ship it to you.
You will only pay the shipping and handling fees. The shipping cost will depend on the weight and size of the item as well as other priorities such as same day or overnight shipping.
We accept all major credit cards. You will have to provide your credit card information on our encrypted and secure website.
You will have the option of purchasing shipping insurance coverage for an extra cost.
We will ship the item to you with the next scheduled USPS/FedEx/UPS pick-up between Monday and Friday (excluding postal holidays).
If you choose the USPS priority mail option, you will get your items within 2-3 days. The faster USPS/FedEx/UPS overnight mail option can have it delivered to you in just one day.
You will receive a tracking number to follow your item's shipping progress.
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